Saturday, February 26, 2011

Going, going... Gone already?

I LIKE everything I buy for my etsy shop, but occassionaly I find myself with an item that I not only LOVE, but that has photographed so beautifully that I want it to hang around the shop for weeks. Like the eye candy in a storefront window display that causes even the most focused soul to slow their steps and gawk, even if just for a moment...  Reality check. Those are the items that inevitably sell within an hour of listing it for sale. Case in point:

A simple item. Thick rustic white ironstone, with a gorgeous footed sillhouette. Paired with a handful of sunny lemons, and the whole picture was just singing. Alas, it was a short song. I listed this lovely bowl on Thursday and it sold the same afternoon. Such is the problem with one-of-a-kind vintage.

I know, I know, it's a good problem to have :)  But I thought this beautiful ironstone bowl deserved one last curtain call.

1 comment:

  1. Love the bowl. That one might night have made it into the shop for me either! Sometimes it's hard to let the unique finds go. I have a garage full to prove it!


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