
Monday, April 25, 2011

Learning to Quilt

So, I'm going to make a quilt.

It's a rather ambitious undertaking for me, seeing as my sewing skills are, how shall I say, under-developed.

It's been years since I last fiddled around with my mom's sewing machine, stitching up a few rudimentary lavender sachets and pillows, but I've always pictured myself as someone who sews. I want to know how to sew. I love textiles - both new and vintage - and I frequently find myself in fabric stores, oohing and ahhing over the beautiful colors and textures, and fighting the temptation to buy 1/4 yards of fabric for no other reason than they're just so pretty!

So when a friend from my husbands office told me she wanted to learn to quilt and was getting together a group of young women who wanted to learn with her, I thought it sounded like fun. After going to our first get-together to learn the basics from our "quilting expert" and look at patterns, I have become a little obsessed (surprise, surprise). 


Country Living

My favorite patterns are bold, graphic patterns in one or two bold colors with plenty of white.

Country Living

 I love the look of a collection of antique quilts displayed in a cupboard. Sigh. Maybe someday :)
For my first attempt at quilt making, I think I'm going to do a small blue and white quilt, and start with something simple like the "9 patch" block in a single Irish Chain pattern. Look at that... I'm learning the lingo already! Wish me luck!


  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE quilts, but alas my sewing skills are more than underdeveloped. My next door neighbour creates gorgeous quilts. You can do it~! ;-)

  2. Good for you! Good luck! I bet you'll do great. LOVE that cupboard with the quilts...gorgeous!

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